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The image captures a man smiling proudly as he holds a trophy and wears a medal. He is standing in front of a screen displaying a presentation that reads "2023 Franchise of the Year" along with his name, "Matt Weickhardt," and the logo of Gecko Sports. The setting is a cozy venue with exposed brick walls and ambient lighting, enhancing the celebratory atmosphere of the event.

At GeckoSports, we recently celebrated our 2nd Annual Franchise Awards, a cornerstone event that marks the achievements and advancements within our network. This yearly gathering not only honours our top-performing clubs but also reinforces the collaborative spirit that defines our brand.

A Year of Exceptional Achievements:

Each year, the bar is set higher, and 2023 was no exception. Our franchises have shown remarkable growth, innovation, and commitment, qualities that are vital in the ever-evolving landscape of kids’ sports programs. The dedication of our franchisees has not only elevated their local communities but has also significantly contributed to our brand’s nationwide success.

Words from Our Leader:

Kim O’Donnell, the driving force behind GeckoSports, shared her thoughts during the event: “It is an honour to witness the passion and dedication our franchise partners bring to their clubs every day. Congratulations to all our award winners and participants who continue to inspire and shape the future of youth sports.”

A Glimpse into the Future:

Looking forward, 2024 promises to be an exciting year. With plans to expand our reach and introduce innovative programs, Gecko Sports is poised to make an even greater impact in the world of children’s athletics. Our commitment to excellence and community engagement continues to be the cornerstone of our success.

As we celebrate these achievements, we also set our sights on future goals. With a network of passionate and dedicated franchises, the potential for growth and success is limitless. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to lead the way in children’s sports and fitness.


Join Our Adventure

Are you ready to be part of our Gecko tribe? Connect with us if you’re passionate about shaping young lives. Whether you’re eyeing a franchise partnership or dreaming of coaching, let’s chat. Call 1300 432 565 or email

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